Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hitler's Rise To Power - What We Can Learn To Prevent A Repeat

Adolph Hitler mesmerized the people and he was a great public speaker and orator. Although he was not originally favored by the powers that be, they moved him up politically because the people loved him. The powers that be were getting older and needed a younger man to take over.

Eventually, he grew in popularity and turned on the powers that be. Once, he had total control he moved the country rapidly towards his vision. We all know what happened after that. Even though, this explanation is much too simplified, I use it as a point and comparison to the present day. We have similar factors presently in US politics. I hope you can understand that this article is without malice, only a plea to get you to think.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and a young and nave politician who has not stood the test of time or been tested in difficult situations and emerged with integrity intact and strength of character shown along the way is no man to bring about change, especially disruptive and abrupt change. Change is a constant, as has been said, but change that is brought about too quickly will cause chaos. This is the same type of chaos that demands further and immediate solutions, more change. An ever increasing set of crisis in a cascading effect.

You must understand that change which is brought about in haste by a nave politician who is still on a learning curve is very dangerous, the law of unintended consequences is all but guaranteed. In the beginning Hitler probably meant well for Germany, but as time went on, he went from being loved and respected to being feared and respected until he had destroyed the nation. All the while believing he was making changes to fix the problems, each time labeling a different evil, blaming a different group or identifying another culprit.

Perhaps you see patterns in this primary election process for the United States. Perhaps you see the patterns of history. You see, the handlers who put Hitler into power, made a huge mistake and all paid dearly in the end. They thought they needed him to secure their strength and power, which they believed was slipping away. Some historians see this as the biggest mistake in history; I guess I am amongst them.

Now then, although there will be many followers of such a future leader who will tell me that this time is different, realize that I am not here to argue with them or stand in front of the mass media inciting mob to run off and vote into power another young and inexperienced politician with the power to rally a crowd with a wonderful speech. Whoever is to run our nation must be someone who has their head on straight and understands how this nation works, how all the flows of our civilization work together and has no animosity towards capitalism, business or free markets.

Please do not vote for Senator Barack Obama for any office. He's is not good enough, he has not proved himself and he is a very bad choice for America. Thank you for listening.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance Winslow's Bio

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Have Constitutionalists Gone Too Far and Turned Off the Masses to Their Movement?

Abolish the IRS, cut off the Federal Reserve, withdraw all troops on foreign bases world wide - and these are just a few of their slogans. Ron Paul is leading what he calls a revolution in American politics. Often, he is seen as supporting the Democrat Mantra and other times he sounds like a strict Libertarian Isolationist.

In one TV Debate, he spared with John McCain, who called him an "Isolationist" and said if we did that during World War II, we would be speaking German and Hitler would be running the World. Many Republicans call him a loose cannon and say that he is crazy, irresponsible and the last thing this nation needs. He calls his movement a "Freedom Movement" and his cult-like followers love him.

Most Republican Candidates claim to wish to uphold the Constitution in every regard, although when you hear them talk, sometimes you wonder. But Ron Paul claims that the IRS is unconstitutional and wants the Federal Reserve to take a hike. He also wants the troops from Iraq brought home immediately if not sooner.

Mit Romney and Rudy Guiliani consider Ron Paul not even in the race and most Republican political advisers say that Ron Paul is just blowing hot air and soon he will not be in the race any longer. Others accuse Ron Paul of being propped up by Democrat Funding, to cause chaos in the Republican Party, who knows, maybe someone ought to look into that?

Learn more about Ron Paul for President and the Ron Paul Freedom movement:

Learn more about Mike Huckabee:

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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