Monday, October 6, 2008

John McCain and Barack Obama Need to Deal With the Issues and Quit the Fighting

It's a shame that the American people have to endure all the campaign rhetoric and listen to the two presidential candidates and soon to be their vice presidential picks who will only add more to the criticizing and stage craft that focuses more on the weaknesses of the other candidates. It would be pleasing to hear what each candidate has to offer in terms of how he proposes to fix our country. It's amazing to me that Joe Biden and John McCain have been friends for so many years and now that Senator Biden is a vice presidential candidate he started his first day on television criticizing Senator McCain. By the way, I'm a veteran of the Vietnam war and clearly heard Senator Bidens comment that Senator McCain was only a war hero and what we need is a leader.

I think any war hero is a leader and should be commended. I'm sure I wasn't the only American veteran listening. The American people need to know what each candidate plans to do about the following which is only a few of the problems we face.

1. How do you propose to pull our country out of the recession we're in which is hurting everyone?

2. How do you propose to fix the energy crisis which needs immediate attention?

3. How do you plan to correct the health care problems facing the entire nation?

4. How do you propose to handle the foreclosure disaster which is destroying our country?

5. Do you plan to do anything about the poverty within the United States?

6. How do you plan to get job creation going again before everyone in our country faces poverty?

7. The Christian values which you both proclaim to have can be shown much clearer by your actions than by your words.

8. What is your stand on abortion and stem cell research which are two other big concerns in our country?

9. Where do you stand on foreign issues and how do you plan to show strength as well as compassion in dealing with other nations?

These are just a few of the issues facing our nation today but they are very important ones and need to be addressed honestly. Again, the American people deserve honest answers and not political ploy. While Obama is trying to blame John McCain for everything that George Bush has done over the past eight years he needs to remember that Senator McCain has stood against Bush many times but he cannot control him any better than Obama could control his preacher Jerimiah or the other preachers condemning America. This is probably one of the most important elections this country has ever had and whoever wins has his work cut out for him. Please Americans, listen to what the candidates are proposing, not just their ridicule.

About The Author

Garrett Golden is very knowledgeable in the political arena. Having served sixteen years in local county government and having won more elections than anyone in county history, I am constantly observing local, state, and national elections and giving my opinions at every opportunity. Anybody can watch the candidates and listen to what they are saying and determine what is real and what is just political talk to get them elected. Please pay close attention in this presidential election not only to the candidates promises but also look at their past actions. This will help you make the right choice and last but not least, be sure to VOTE.

I haven't written a book on politics yet but I am gathering a lot of facts and information in preparation for writing a hard cover book in the very near future.

Resources: The best resources to count on now comes from the vast news coverage on CNN, FOX, and all the major news channels. They tend to show what the candidates are actually saying whereas the books, the internet, and the magazines have a better opportunity to tweak what is being said. Also, there seems to be a lot of coverage heading into the conventions and the fall debates. Listen closely!

Palin Blessed To Be Free From Witchcraft

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Restoration in Russia: Much Needed and Inevitable

Translation of Russian political analyst Alexey Pushkov's article of the same name.

Handing over power to Vladimir Putin in 1999, Boris Yeltsin sought to preserve the political alignment of forces and coordinates he set during his rule in Russia in 1991-1999. The project 'Heir' did not only imply selecting a man from Yeltsin's 'camp', but the one who would preserve the status quo of the regime. This is indicated, among other things, by the fact that he insisted on his 'key men' Alexey Voloshin and Mikhail Kasyanov to have the longest possible term in office.

However, the overall results of Putin's five-year office show that he has discarded most of Yeltsin's heritage.

First of all, he bridged the basic gap of Yeltsin's epoch, the gap between the left and the right wings. Under Yeltsin, there was a continuous struggle between the authority, on the one hand, and the communists, patriots and socialist-oriented part of the population, on the other. The country was fevered by constant strife; the State Duma, where the communists had majority, being in the vanguard of struggle with Yeltsin and the elite, could not carry out the legislative process, as their laws did not suit the executive and were virtually directed against the latter.

Putin neutralised the left, adopting much of their arguments: Russia does have the acute demographic problem (the low birth- and high death-rates), the oligarchy dominance, corruption and weak army. These points were taken upon by Putin in his election program, at least as a rhetoric (in the part of olgarchy limitations and army financing they were put into actual practice). Then, Putin broke the Communists' 'monopoly' on patriotism, thus rendering their traditional 'anti-people's regime' rant meaningless.

Communists are now heard only when the authority initiates rash, unprepared and ill-grounded laws, like the monetisation of perquisites for pensioners - the measure, which was not enough elucidated in the press.

Secondly, the President was able to revamp the pattern of power and unite the elite. Putin assigned the issues of economy to liberal democrats, those of security - to the military and law enforcement, and entrusted the administrators who succeeded in retaining power in later Yeltsin's weakened hands with domestic policy. These are all very different people representing differents parts of the elite, but to a certain extent united under Putin.

Why did the Union of the Right Forces (the SPS) lose the recent election? Because it was no longer indispensable: many government officers, such as German Gref, Alexey Kudrin, Igor Shuvalov pursue the rightist policy as it is. The perquisites monetisation, drafting the hyperliberal Forest Code, cancellation of State Standards for pharmaceutical products and even motioning prison privatisation are the telltale signs of the liberal course in Russia's domestic policy (whether these measures are for the good or for the bad is another matter).

V. Putin has in his arsenal not only the leftist, but also the rightist ideas. It is not accidental that Anatoly Chubais tried to throw in the catchphrase 'a liberal empire' to define the present political system in Russia - the SPS was losing its 'property right' for liberal reforms. Neutralisation of the right wing is the third accomplishment of Putin's office.

Fourth. Putin was able to considerably weaken the influence of big business on the State machinery and policy. Mikhail Khodorkovsky made an attempt of directly converting money into power, like at a bureau de change - he offered 15 billion roubles for power in Russia. His plan was frustrated by Putin. Some people say, it is not democratic. But did Khodorkovsky act in a democratic way? How were the 15 billion rubles obtained? In general terms, does big money entitle a person to power purchase? The history of Russian oligarchy is essentially about converting money into power. Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky were doing it through mass media, for example, when in 1996 Gusinsky helped Yeltsin win the elections enlisting the services of the establishment-sponsored television channel NTV, it was the direct conversion of a media resource into power.

Earlier in 1994 Alexander Korzhakov, the then Chief of the President's Security Service, conducted - by Yeltsin's instructions - the 'mug in snow' operation against Gusinsky, so that the oligarchs could understand that authority should not be conflicted with, but paid off (not necessarily with direct finance). So the oligarchs began to finance media to brainwash people by meting out, distorting information, misinforming, launching media attacks as a punishment for public figures, orchestrating public opinion, spin control and fixing elections... For such services Berezovsky even obtained an office in the government - he became deputy secretary of the Security Council and was responsible for the Chechen issues (a glaring absurdity from today's perspective!).

Berezovsky and Gusinsky believed that Yeltsin's apointee Vladimir Putin would let them play their games as before. They were baulked in their plans. However, certain agressive representatives of big business persisted in their struggle for power - the inertia of complete license was too strong, the sense of omnipotence struck root. 'We would beat Yeltsin all the same - while he had been learning to play domino, we had mastered chess', said Leonid Nevzlin, a businessman and public relations expert. Mikhail Khodorkovsky's logic was of the same strain: the sense of exclusiveness prompted him to attempt to use financial clout and gain control over the State Duma and the Federation Council, thus becoming the 'power broker', de facto leader of the country. That splendid coup was thwarted - Putin's government wouldn't play either domino or chess with Khodorkovsky, it simply upturned the table. Some say it wasn't nice or fair. Perhaps. But it was not fair play on the part of Khodorkovsky in the first place.

Khodorkovsky's political failure as the failure of converting money into power was logical. Yeltsin depended on the oligarchs, as he had no other 'point of rest', being politically and physically infirm, unpopular, and undergoing persistent pressure from the left wing. Contrariwise, Putin is popular; he succeeded in uniting the elite and was able to move away from the oligarchs.

Some political scientists maintain that the restriction of big business power is wrong, as it entails the omnipotent power of State bureaucracy. True, the official powers should be counterbalanced, otherwise the State becomes overpowering (this was Russia's permanent political bane, but the country needed it because of its size, climate and a number of other factors). But Yeltsin's immoral big business is not the kind of counterbalance the community needs. While Russia was historically better off unter total power, the oligarchs would retain it, but make it inhuman and anti-national - even more unscrupulous, mercenary and corrupt. State totalitarianism would turn into oligarchal totalitarianism. There was but imitation of democracy under Yeltsin, but if Khodorkovsky could have gained power, the political pseudodemocracy might have turned into oligarchal pseudodemocracy, with its arsenal of manupulative and venal media. The restriction of oligarchal influence on the policy and strategy of the State is necessary. Giving a resolute check to Khodorkovsky's plans, Putin made him understand that individuals (even very rich ones) cannot dictate the policy to the State.

Fifth. Putin proclaimed the foreign policy based on national priorities. Under Yeltsin it was based on absolutely different principles: the first postulate was that Russia should at all costs become the part of civilised world, implying the West; the second was that Russia has no national interests basically different from those of the USA; the third was that Russia should completely reject the use of force in solving its political problems, as it is 'undemocratic'.

Over the past 10 years we have seen other nations solve their problems by various methods, including, alas, the use of force as, for instance, in Bosnia or in Iraq.

We also realised, that the course of equating Russia's political interests with those of US or EU is not absolutely correct. Putin agreed with the USA in the crucial issue of fighting terrorism, but he made it clear that our countries' views on some other issues differ. He is not afraid to say that Russia has inherent interests in the countries of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), even if it may annoy some political parties abroad. However, the practical realisation of Russia's national interests may be impeded by two factors: the cosmopolitan character of big business and the 'anational' mentality of the younger generation of Russians, formed during the past 10 years.

'Paying taxes is our only duty, and we owe nobody but God and our conscience', Peter Aven, a business and media tycoon, said in his interview. Yes, but if an individual knows neither God nor conscience? Why should big business detach itself from the rest of the nation? Russia's big business is essentially cosmopolitan, not to say anti-national.

As for the 'anational' mentality, it becomes apparent from the fact that younger people, even those whose major at universities is political science, sometimes question the necessity of Russia's 'special attutude' towards certain issues. 'Why don't we just trim ourselves to the US position?', they ask. The notion of 'national interests', as well as patriotism, has been decried as narrow-minded anachronism.

Russian politicians still argue which party to pattern our economy and policy on - Europe or the USA. Oh, but we must pattern them on Russia, the total of its interests! Checking our interests with those of other counrties, of course.

Sixth. Under Putin the country's controllability was restored, its slow desintegration was stopped. When Yeltsin was in office the national republics fell off the Union, break-away sentiments appeared in the Chechen, Tartar and other autonomous republics, even certain Russian regions began to claim autonomy (let us remember the Urals Republic proposed by the Urals governor Eduard Rossel). This process was slow, but it endangered the country's integrity. Meanwhile Yeltsin took the 'gulp as much sovereignty as you can' stance.

Zbignev Bzhezinsky, a well-known American political scientist, published a map where Russia was divided into three countries: European, Siberian and Far Eastern. That was his tentative project for Russia. Yes, there was a possibility of such an outcome - take the town of Khasavyurt in Dagestan, a part of Russia that was given 5 years' independence. The danger of disintegration is still looming, although the Center is keen on consolidating the country. Putin lifted the national morale and showed that separatism will not go unpunished. He should beware, though, putting too much pressure on the national republics and divesting them of their rights, as it may cause an outburst of nationalism.

Seventh. Despite all the drawbacks of the present government, V. Putin was able to win back people's trust for public authority. There is no trace of 'devilry around the throne', so glaring in Yeltsin's time and headed by Boris Berezovsky. Even the liberal journalists, who criticise, sometimes unreservedly, the present government, admit that there was a mafia-like 'family clan' around Yeltsin, which held power in the country. True, there are various factions and influential groups, promoting their interests and struggling with each other in today's administration, but none of these claim to have entire power, to be the only decision-makers.

Some people say V. Putin's team is not united. Yes, there are controversies in it. But, on the other hand, there is no 'family' either. St. Petersburg's representatives were at first considered more 'close' to the President than others, but it was not born out, say, Dmitry Kozak, was dispatched to the Southern Federal District as the President's plenipotentiary to deal with the Chechen Republic and terrorism. Under V. Putin the 'office politics' (the code of relations between officials) became fundamentally different - meritocracy was established.

However, there are serious problems ahead for Putin. He 'steered the ship about, but has not set a well-defined course for her'.
First. The economy grows largely due to the oil price rise. Russia hasn't begun forming a competitive economy - developing high technologies, launching large-scale target programs, renovating the defense establishments, etc. All these could only be attained with the participation of the state, but it left the economy to its devices. The positive dynamics of Russia's economy won't keep, if the oil prices drop.

The economy remains passive: it absorbs enormous sums of money and yields 6-7 percent growth, but Russia keeps selling its staple raw materials and does not work up new foreign markets. There is no growth in mechanical engineering exports, nor in high tech production. However, the competitive strength of an economy is determined by these two factors, and not by raw materials, but by finished goods. So far Russia's economy has not been set for efficiency, no innovative breakthrough has been made.

Second. The situation in Chechnya is much more serious than it may seem, and the Chechen leader Ahmad Kadyrov's assassination is a heavy blow to the peace in this region. Though there is no war in the classic sense there, as separatists have no power to 'fight on fronts', Chechnya is pervaded with separatist and terrorist agents. Raids and acts of terrorism still obtain in the region, and even spread to the country at large.

Third. Vladimir Putin has not yet created an efficient state machine. For example, the events in Beslan on September 1-3 2004, when more than 4,000 children and teachers were held hostage, prove the low efficacy of security service. Under B.Yeltsin the KGB was being consistently wrecked under pretence of fighting communism (the consequences of this act are not yet fully overcome). Yet not one democratic state could manage without strong security services, what was really needed is to reform the former Soviet intelligence.

Fourth. Russia should vindicate its positions in foreign policy with more firmness. American politicians spoke to me (Alexey Pushkov) about the surprise Russia's refusal to back the war in Iraq caused with the US administration. Why did Russia give an impression that it could be counted on in any matter, or that it shouldn't be reckoned with? Because it had settled for anything the USA was doing, be it the withdrawal from the Anti-Missile Defence Treaty (the Russian government's comment: 'a deplorable error') or the second round of the NATO expansion. The US administration overestimated its influence on Moscow, but it was Russia who gave cause for this, adopting a policy too 'comfortable' for the USA.

Unfortunately, many features of Yeltsin's administration devolved on that of Putin. The lack of publicity in legislature is one of them. We are faced with political reforms, which come as if out of the blue - nobody has taken the trouble to explain their essence and prove their necessity. This is said to be the traditional Russian authoritarian style of administration. But bad traditions should be changed, unless the government is willing to stand aloof from its people.

The main dangers impending over Putin's administration are as follows.

The first is the situation in Chechnya. The efficiency of Putin's policy largely depends on his ability to settle the Chechen conflict. If the 'vertical of power' built by him does not yield fruit in that region, he will fail to convince the country in the necessity of exerting control. It is precisely the issue of Chechnya that will be the touchstone of Putin's policy, both in Russia and internationally. The Chechen war and terror became Putin's gravest challenges, which demand the consolidation of power, strengthening of the State, and in some cases, turning the screw. But if the screws are tight, and the vehicle does not move, the question of the adequacy of such a policy will arise.

The second danger (more prominent during his second term in office) is the appearance of consolidated opposition. It includes the liberal politicians who lost the election in the Duma, but have a solid support of big business, their own financial resources, and a substantial backing from abroad. They are eager to score political points using the government's mistakes. For example, against the logic of their liberal market views, they are attacking the monetisation of perquisites for pensioners. They are doing it, because the authority is vulnerable in this poorely prepared reform. The next power standing in opposition to Putin is the 'exiled' oligarchs. Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Nevzlin are people with resources, and have connections in the West. Berezovsky is quite frank in saying that his principal goal is to weaken Putin's regime. Then, the government is opposed by certain liberal media (which include several central TV channels of Russia), especially their aggressive part backed by the oppositional big business. A part of national and regional elite, displeased at the decision that regional governors be appointed by the President (and apprehending the restoration of the unitarian state), may also join the opposition. A part of liberal intelligentsia and the communists joining the liberals on certain points also swing against the administration. Finally, the anti-Russian and anti-Putin forces in the West are also opposed to Putin. All the mentioned forces are, however, largely outnumbered by Putin's supporters (in Russia the ratio is about one to ten). Nevertheless, they should be reckoned with.

Putin has few propagandists of his ideas and proposals. He himself has to explain his home and foreign policy, the ideas of his political reforms. His press secretaries and information services keep silence, although it is their duty to compete with the huge bulk of anti-Putin propaganda. The system lacks people with active ideological and political thinking, capable of supporting its plans and decisions. And this is in the face of strong opposition, nostalgic for Yeltsin's Russia - weak, docile, corrupt, and disintegrating.

However, if the efficiency of administration rises, the economy grows, the opposition will have to bear Putin's 'authoritarian liberalism'. Conversely, if there are no tangible results, he will be accused of sacrificing democracy. Putin must prove that his model is efficient.

The period of authoritarian development is inevitable. The liberals condemn Putin's policy as restoration, but restoration is a normal practice for any country after a sharp 'side slip'. If a nation loses capacity for correcting its 'side slips', it may, like a car, roll over at a sharp turn of history. Restoration is the nation's adaptation to new conditions, its self-regulation, aligning a car after a drastic side slip.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Hillary, Feminists And Culturists

The Educating Women Conference's keynote speaker, Jane Roland Martin, chose Hillary Clinton and misogyny as her main topic. When a man is aggressive, she told us, people admire the trait. When a woman is aggressive she gets called the "b word." This puts Clinton in a lose - lose situation. If she comes off as feminine, people will say she is not tough enough to be President. If she tells people she is tough, they consider her outside the pale of normal female behavior, an aberration, or even "a monster" Martin declared.

During the Q and A Martin got asked about Margaret Thatcher. Her reply was culturist on two fronts. First of all, she said, I do not know much and am not talking about other nations. Secondly, that nation has a tradition of strong women leaders going back to the first Queen Elizabeth. Yet even Elizabeth had to consider gender. The "Virgin Queen" put on armor to rally her troops against the Spanish. In her speech to the military she said, "I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart of a king." But, in a culturist move, Martin noted that Hillary is only running in America and so was only speaking about American culture.

The woman I spoke about at the conference, Frances Kellor, has been labeled an invert. That was the official term of the early 20th century for people who assumed the gender characteristics of the opposite sex. In my work I tried to show Kellor taking an increasingly male view of immigrants. The academic challenge question here is how to connect gender and policy. The feminist question is whether you can say men are like "x" and women are like "y" without being sexist. When we say Kellor acted like a man, we implicitly accept that there are male behaviors and female behaviors.

The conference was held in Chicago's famous Hull House. This turn of the 20th century service center's head was Jane Addams. Addams, likely the most famous woman of her times, was a gender essentialist. She believed women different and superior. She lost her fame when she consistently berated World War One as a man's game. People thought her pacifism traitorous and unreasonable. If we say women are naturally mothering and nurturing, they may be reasonably disqualified for being President in a world of countries run by men. Our other alternative is to declare that there are no gender differences. But that does not seem right either.

Do men and women differ? Traditionally America has had a lot of tough women. The Puritan settlers, frontier sojourners and the film noir vixens were as tough as any man alive. Biology, sorry feminists, puts women and infants together. That does not mean, however, that women cannot be tough. Feminist thought is one of the great glories of the West. Traditional cultures treat women like beasts of burden. So while I will say long live gender differences, I will not say women cannot be tough or President. But to qualify women, like everyone else, have to be able to take the heat and stay in the kitchen. Thatcher was called the "Iron Lady." It would be a loss for all of us, men and women alike, if women such as Thatcher could not run for office or lead a nation.

John Press is the author of Culturism: A Word, A Value, Our Future. He is a an adjunct professor and doctoral student at New York University. has more information about culturism.

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Just Because Everyone Believes We Should Jump Off a Bridge Does Not Mean You Should

The other day someone asked me why I did not support Junior Senator Barrack Hussein Obama for President of the United States (the greatest nation ever created in human history). My answer probably hurt his feelings, but I would like to share with you some insight.

First, we have some 303 million people in America and I do not believe out of all those people that Senator Barrack Obama is the very best person to lead this great nation forward. Second he kept reminding me that I was the only person he knew that was not voting for Senator Barrack Obama.

I told him that either he didn't know that many people or that his friends were inexperienced in life, too young to understand or afraid to speak up. I suggested he find out which of those it was and then go get some other friends. This was more than he could take and he was about to call me a bunch of names, which I cannot repeat here, nevertheless, he tried to remain polite and stated:

"Barrack said he would help the homeless, remove our dependence on Foreign Oil, support American Business, pay down the national debt, fix the trade deficit and fix all the woes of America - how can anyone be against that?"

I told him to repeat that sentence and he started; "Barrack said. . ." and I cut him off mid-sentence and told him Barrack Obama says a lot of things, all politicians talk, tell you what they want to hear. Just because everyone else you know is going to vote for him does not mean I will.

Let me ask you a question now I said; "Just Because Everyone You Know Believes We Should All Jump Off a Bridge Does Not Mean You Should, Does It?"

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hitler's Rise To Power - What We Can Learn To Prevent A Repeat

Adolph Hitler mesmerized the people and he was a great public speaker and orator. Although he was not originally favored by the powers that be, they moved him up politically because the people loved him. The powers that be were getting older and needed a younger man to take over.

Eventually, he grew in popularity and turned on the powers that be. Once, he had total control he moved the country rapidly towards his vision. We all know what happened after that. Even though, this explanation is much too simplified, I use it as a point and comparison to the present day. We have similar factors presently in US politics. I hope you can understand that this article is without malice, only a plea to get you to think.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and a young and nave politician who has not stood the test of time or been tested in difficult situations and emerged with integrity intact and strength of character shown along the way is no man to bring about change, especially disruptive and abrupt change. Change is a constant, as has been said, but change that is brought about too quickly will cause chaos. This is the same type of chaos that demands further and immediate solutions, more change. An ever increasing set of crisis in a cascading effect.

You must understand that change which is brought about in haste by a nave politician who is still on a learning curve is very dangerous, the law of unintended consequences is all but guaranteed. In the beginning Hitler probably meant well for Germany, but as time went on, he went from being loved and respected to being feared and respected until he had destroyed the nation. All the while believing he was making changes to fix the problems, each time labeling a different evil, blaming a different group or identifying another culprit.

Perhaps you see patterns in this primary election process for the United States. Perhaps you see the patterns of history. You see, the handlers who put Hitler into power, made a huge mistake and all paid dearly in the end. They thought they needed him to secure their strength and power, which they believed was slipping away. Some historians see this as the biggest mistake in history; I guess I am amongst them.

Now then, although there will be many followers of such a future leader who will tell me that this time is different, realize that I am not here to argue with them or stand in front of the mass media inciting mob to run off and vote into power another young and inexperienced politician with the power to rally a crowd with a wonderful speech. Whoever is to run our nation must be someone who has their head on straight and understands how this nation works, how all the flows of our civilization work together and has no animosity towards capitalism, business or free markets.

Please do not vote for Senator Barack Obama for any office. He's is not good enough, he has not proved himself and he is a very bad choice for America. Thank you for listening.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance Winslow's Bio

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Have Constitutionalists Gone Too Far and Turned Off the Masses to Their Movement?

Abolish the IRS, cut off the Federal Reserve, withdraw all troops on foreign bases world wide - and these are just a few of their slogans. Ron Paul is leading what he calls a revolution in American politics. Often, he is seen as supporting the Democrat Mantra and other times he sounds like a strict Libertarian Isolationist.

In one TV Debate, he spared with John McCain, who called him an "Isolationist" and said if we did that during World War II, we would be speaking German and Hitler would be running the World. Many Republicans call him a loose cannon and say that he is crazy, irresponsible and the last thing this nation needs. He calls his movement a "Freedom Movement" and his cult-like followers love him.

Most Republican Candidates claim to wish to uphold the Constitution in every regard, although when you hear them talk, sometimes you wonder. But Ron Paul claims that the IRS is unconstitutional and wants the Federal Reserve to take a hike. He also wants the troops from Iraq brought home immediately if not sooner.

Mit Romney and Rudy Guiliani consider Ron Paul not even in the race and most Republican political advisers say that Ron Paul is just blowing hot air and soon he will not be in the race any longer. Others accuse Ron Paul of being propped up by Democrat Funding, to cause chaos in the Republican Party, who knows, maybe someone ought to look into that?

Learn more about Ron Paul for President and the Ron Paul Freedom movement:

Learn more about Mike Huckabee:

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

New Polls Show Mccain Ahead Well No Sht Theyre Oversampling Republicans
Barack Obama
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Foreign Policy

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ron Paul Revolution And Republican Renewal

There may be a disaster coming in the 2008 election in November for the Republican Party. The recent defeat in the special election for Louisiana's Sixth Congressional District where Republican Woody Jenkins lost to Democrat Don Cazayoux is just the latest confirmation of how precarious the situation has become. Consider that Louisiana's sixth Congressional district had been held by a Republican for more than three decades. It is a district that President George W. Bush carried by 19 percentage points in the Presidential election in 2004.

The Republican defeat in Louisiana follows the loss of former Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert's seat in Illinois. That seat had been held by a Republican (except for one term during Watergate) for more than three quarters of a century. That district had favored George W. Bush by 10 percentage points in 2004.

Indeed, numerous public opinion polls tell the sad story for the 2008 prospects of the Republican Party. The current generic ballot for Congress according to a NY Times/CBS poll is 50 to 32 percent in favor of the Democrats. According to a New York Times/CBS Poll, Americans disapprove of Republican President George W. Bush's job performance by a 63 to 28 margin. A recent Gallup poll also had a very similar result. George Bush has now been below a 40% job approval rating since December of 2006. It is the longest period of public disapproval for any president in the history of polling.

The Republican Party's problem is due to a loss of political brand identity. In general, Republicans used to stand for less government, lower taxes, and restrained government spending. However their record of performance while in power during the last eight years has been a total failure in most of these key areas. It is a failure that has now compromised the Republican political brand.

Consider that the size of government under Republican stewardship has exploded. In George Bush's first five years in office, the federal government increased by 616 billion dollars. It amounts to a huge 33 percent jump in the size of the federal government. In fact, the Republican Congress spent more than five times the amount of money spent during Democrat Bill Clinton's second Presidential term. Despite costly congressional earmarks, George Bush failed to veto one bill while the Republican Party controlled Congress. The result was unrestrained pork barrel spending that was added to the price of an already controversial and costly war.

In addition, the American public is aggravated each time they fill up their automobile with gasoline. In 2001, at the start of George W. Bush's first term in office, the price of a barrel of oil was nearly $30. Last week the price exceeded $125 for the first time on record and Goldman Sachs has just forecasted a continued rise in price for the immediate future. The gasoline price at the pump has nearly tripled during the last eight years.

Management issues and planning have also hurt the Republican brand. The war in Iraq has never had a clear military exit strategy while Hurricane Katrina exposed federal disaster management and planning incompetence. Also, the recent economic slowdown has contributed to public opinion polling that shows over 80% of the American public now think that the country is on the wrong economic track. Overall, it could well be a formula for disaster for the Republican Party in the House and Senate in the 2008 election this fall.

Meanwhile, the insurgent 2008 campaign of Republican Ron Paul continues to make news. The little known Republican candidate received over 128,000 votes, or 16 percent, of the recent Republican Pennsylvania state primary vote. In Nevada , enthusiastic Ron Paul supporters captured control of the Republican state convention leading to an abrupt cancellation of the event without electing any delegates.

From the beginning, the Ron Paul campaign has been about a grass roots passion for positions on the issues that use the United States Constitution as a basis for guidance. The passion and enthusiastic support for the insurgent campaign has indeed been impressive. The campaign raised more money than any candidate of either major political party in the fourth quarter of 2007.

In fact more than 130,000 contributors gave to the Ron Paul campaign during the fourth quarter, including more than 107,000 new donors. On December 17, 2007, the Paul campaign raised a record six million dollars in a single day. Also, consider that Ron Paul's book, "The Revolution: A Manifesto", just recently released, is already No. 1 on the's list of hardcover best sellers.

The Republican Party is in trouble because they have lost their political brand and identity. They are a party running for office only for the power that is intrinsic in getting elected. After six years in the Congressional majority, the party has shown no passion for a cause or a strong belief in a guiding political ideology. Even after the Democratic election victory of 2006 changed control of Congress, there has been no real mandate for change among Republican Congressional leadership.

In contrast, the insurgent campaign of Ron Paul is fast becoming a growing political revolution. The campaign's positions on many of the major issues are positions that Republicans used to hold dear. Indeed, it has a platform which can become a basis for renewal for the existing Republican party, a party that is currently void of new ideas, a party that will soon need to pick up the broken pieces in November of this election year.

James William Smith has worked in Senior management positions for some of the largest Financial Services firms in the United States for the last twenty five years. He has also provided business consulting support for insurance organizations and start up businesses. He has always been interested in writing and listening to different viewpoints on interesting topics. Visit his website at

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United States Senators Have Too Much Power - Balance Causing Conflicts

Many of the current problems in America are directly proportional to the corruption and politics as usual in the United States Senate. Currently, the presidential election guarantees that a Senator will soon become the President of the United States. The unbelievable spending of the US Senate has put America in debt and into the poor house, causing future increased taxes and interest due.

The border debacle and the illegal immigration crisis is directly in proportion to the incompetence, delays and special interests of those who fund Senator's campaigns. Our health care system is broken, thanks to the US Senate. In fact, nearly every single bill in the Senate is so full of pork that, no one has time to read what they are voting on. And these leaders call themselves noble gentleman of the people, serving with honor?

Now these same Senators or at least one of them will become President of the United States and infiltrate yet another branch of government; power to basically run the Planet, why are we allowing this? Some say that Barack Obama would be different, as he is new to the US Senate, barely has gotten his feet wet. Yet, if we look at his voting record, it is the most liberal of all Senators, almost out on the fringe, which should not surprise anyone, as his biggest supporters are definitely out on the fringe.

The People of the United States deserve more, and it's quite obvious that the government has grown too large and too out of control to need the people any longer. We have 303 million people in the United States and apparently these Senators are telling us, that these are the best amongst our entire population to run this great nation, how can that possibly be. We've been had, this election is a farce and the election process has been usurped, by the same people who have turned our government into a mockery of what was intended.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance Winslow's Bio

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