Wednesday, October 1, 2008

United States Senators Have Too Much Power - Balance Causing Conflicts

Many of the current problems in America are directly proportional to the corruption and politics as usual in the United States Senate. Currently, the presidential election guarantees that a Senator will soon become the President of the United States. The unbelievable spending of the US Senate has put America in debt and into the poor house, causing future increased taxes and interest due.

The border debacle and the illegal immigration crisis is directly in proportion to the incompetence, delays and special interests of those who fund Senator's campaigns. Our health care system is broken, thanks to the US Senate. In fact, nearly every single bill in the Senate is so full of pork that, no one has time to read what they are voting on. And these leaders call themselves noble gentleman of the people, serving with honor?

Now these same Senators or at least one of them will become President of the United States and infiltrate yet another branch of government; power to basically run the Planet, why are we allowing this? Some say that Barack Obama would be different, as he is new to the US Senate, barely has gotten his feet wet. Yet, if we look at his voting record, it is the most liberal of all Senators, almost out on the fringe, which should not surprise anyone, as his biggest supporters are definitely out on the fringe.

The People of the United States deserve more, and it's quite obvious that the government has grown too large and too out of control to need the people any longer. We have 303 million people in the United States and apparently these Senators are telling us, that these are the best amongst our entire population to run this great nation, how can that possibly be. We've been had, this election is a farce and the election process has been usurped, by the same people who have turned our government into a mockery of what was intended.

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